Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Standards

In order to provide shareholders and investors with timely, accurate and fair information, we promptly disclose information in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other relevant laws and regulations, and the rules regarding timely disclosure stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, on which the Company is listed, as well as other important information. In addition, we actively disclose information that is effective for understanding the Company. Even after fair disclosure rules come into force, in light of the importance of these rules, we will ensure fair disclosure to investors more than ever and engage in constructive dialogue with investors to improve our corporate value.

Method of Disclosure

We disclose information that falls under the timely disclosure rules in accordance with these rules, through the timely disclosure network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We also promptly post disclosed information on the Company website. When disclosing information that does not fall under the timely disclosure rules, we take into account the purpose of timely disclosure and give consideration to ensure that the information is communicated to general investors as accurately and fairly as possible using appropriate methods.

Refusing to Disclose Information

Please note that we may not be able to respond to inquiries regarding specific information for competitive advantage or due to non-disclosure agreements.

Forward-looking Statements

In addition to the financial results forecasts submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company may provide current plans and future prospects in documents issued by the Company and on its website to help shareholders and investors make their own results forecasts about the Company. In any case, anything that is not a historical fact is a forward-looking statement made on the basis of certain assumptions, and is a forecast based on currently available information. These forward-looking statements include factors such as risks and uncertainties, and may differ from actual achievements and results. Please refrain from relying solely on such forward-looking statements.

Quiet Period

In order to prevent leaks of financial results information and ensure fairness, we observe a quiet period from the day after the closing date to the day the financial results are announced. Please note that we will not make any comments or answer questions regarding financial results during this period. However, if it becomes clear that the difference between the financial results forecasts revealed during the quiet period and the previously announced financial results forecasts falls within the scope of the fluctuations subject to timely disclosure, we will disclose information as revisions to financial results forecasts through the procedures as described above. During this period, we will respond appropriately to questions within the scope of the information that we have already announced.

Positioning of this Website

This website is open to anyone who wishes to view our information on the Internet. To ensure fair information disclosure, we post information on this website as soon as possible after it is announced. However, since the time of posting may be delayed due to information and communication technology failures and the like, information disclosure on this website is positioned only as a supplement. This website may not contain all of the information disclosed by the Company. In addition, the information may be converted into a form that is easier to understand on the website, which is different from the information disclosed in other ways. Please fully understand these facts before viewing this website.

This website is not intended to be a solicitation for investment. Please make investment decisions based on your own judgment. Please note that the Company is not responsible for any damage caused by use of the information on this website.